Health Advantage Physical Medicine

100 Year Lifestyle Chiropractor in Pasadena, CA 91104


Your Health is
Our Priority


New Patients Welcome​

We welcome the opportunity to help you and your family heal and reach your chiropractic goals.

Office Hours

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

9AM – 12PM,
2PM – 5:30PM


9AM - 12PM


9AM - 12PM


Go After Your Dream - Live Yours!

Crisis Care. Lifestyle Care. Performance Care.

Health Advantage Physical Medicine provides quality chiropractic care in Pasadena, CA 91104 and the surrounding areas while teaching The 100 Year Lifestyle principles of optimum health, longevity, and wellness.

When you are suffering from an injury, pain, or other health problem, the chiropractic care we provide can give you relief and stability, and address the underlying cause.

If you want to reach optimum health and peak performance levels regardless of your age or provide healthy, drug-free solutions for your children and family, our practice will be a great fit for you.

Everyone deserves to be healthy and express their full potential through every phase of life. This includes YOU.

Our People

We are a true family and performance-based chiropractic practice. We welcome the opportunity to help you and your family heal and reach your health goals.

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Our Community

We care about our community and enjoy working with companies, organizations, schools, and sports teams. Contact us today to learn more.

Services We provide

complete chiropractic care for you and your family 

Chiropractic Care

Our office delivers quality chiropractic in a caring supportive environment. We personalize your care to help your body heal so you can reach your health goals.


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese natural therapy that helps to balance the body's energy fields. In conjunction with your chiropractic care, acupuncture can enhance your body's natural ability to heal itself.

Family Care

Our office provides family care for everyone from newborn babies to 100-year-old seniors and everyone in between.

Performance Based Care

Performance based care is for athletes of all ages and competitive levels who are ready to break through and take their performance to the next level.


Good nutrition is an essential part of The 100 Year Lifestyle. Using a variety of resources, ranging from dietary counseling, healthy weight loss strategies.

Healthy Aging

Your health and quality of life as you age will depend on the health of your spine and nervous system. If you would like to heal quickly from a current health crisis .


As The 100 Year Lifestyle Licensed Affiliate, our office provides ongoing educational workshops in our office that are open to the community, on a variety of topics, to help you maximize your health.

Our chiropractic Team

Dr. Dennis Buckley


Dr. Miwa Yoshida


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Frequently Asked Questions

A healthy structure, spine and nervous system are essential to a healthy life. This is true for every person regardless of their age. 

The care we provide will help you maximize your ability to heal from an injury, pain or health problem, identify conditions you may not feel yet, and achieve optimum health and peak performance levels.

Absolutely! Our youngest patients are newborn babies and we check children through every stage of growth to ensure the healthy development of their spine and nervous system.

The birth process can be very traumatic. Children fall countless times a day, are being harmed by technology, and are bombarded by excessive physical, chemical and emotional stress.

Chiropractic care is safe, gentile, and can correct problems before they become chronic to help children grow healthy, straight and strong. 

Many people utilize chiropractic care because of some type of crisis, and many others utilize chiropractic care as a core part of living a healthier lifestyle.

Our goal is to help as many people as possible who are experiencing  a health crisis to heal quickly, stabilize their health, and transition to lifestyle care. It’s exciting to see people get off the roller coaster and begin to embrace their longevity potential.

What People are Saying...